Vegetable and Nut Roast.


This Vegetable & Nut Roast has everything you could want all wrapped in flakey puff pastry; The perfect vegan Christmas centrepiece! The veggies are given a flavour boost with tons of herbs and rich, umami flavours, like the marmite and miso paste.

The preparation is made much easier with a food processor, however you could definitely attempt this by hand if you have a little time maybe a few helpers! It could easily be made in advance too. Just wrap it in baking paper and store in the fridge, then brush with vegan butter before cooking. It could also be frozen, just thaw overnight in the fridge before cooking.

Serves 6


4tbsp oil

Half a white onion

2 carrots

3 stalks celery, washed thoroughly

300g mushrooms, wiped clean with a dry cloth

300g cooked (NOT pickled) beetroot, drained

400g tin black/kidney beans, drained

4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped

1tsp each of dried thyme, sage & rosemary

4tbsp soy sauce

1tsp liquid smoke, like this

1tsp Marmite, or any yeast extract

1tsp miso paste, any variety

2tbsp tomato paste

½ tsp ground cumin

½ tsp salt

½ tsp ground black pepper

50g walnuts

90g breadcrumbs, chunky ones work well

1 sheet puff pastry

1-2tbsp English mustard

1tbsp vegan butter, melted


measuring spoons

large non-stick/lined baking tray

food processor

2x frying/sauté pans

pastry brush (or clean hands!)


  1. Preheat the oven to 200c

  2. Pulse the onion, carrots, and celery in a food processor until finely chopped, then cook in a sauté/frying pan on a medium heat for around 15mins, with a couple of tablespoons of oil

  3. Meanwhile, pulse the mushrooms, beetroot and beans in the food processor (can do in batches if they dont all fit) and add to another pan to do the same. The aim here is to cook the moisture out, so keep it on a high heat and keep stirring until it starts to dry out

  4. Add the garlic, herbs, cumin, soy sauce, liquid smoke, marmite, miso paste, tomato paste, salt & pepper to the onions pan and cook for another couple of minutes

  5. Finally, pulse the walnuts until fine, and add to the onion pan along with the breadcrumbs

  6. Combine the contents of both pans (either in one of the pans or in a large mixing bowl, whichever is easiest) and allow to cool slightly

  7. Lay the puff pastry out flat and brush with a layer of English mustard. Be generous here as the mustard really brings the flavours together

  8. Place the filling mixture down the centre and shape into a thick sausage, leaving a 2cm gap at each end

  9. Lift both sides of the pastry up over the filling and seal one to the other with your fingers. Then lift the excess pastry on each end up and stick it down too, ensuring its all sealed. You can use a little water to assist in sticking, if needed

  10. Carefully flip the roast over so it’s seam-side-down, and brush with a little butter

  11. Make diagonal scores across the wellington to allow the steam to escape, then place on a baking tray into the centre of the oven for about 35mins, or until golden brown. Allow to rest for at least 5 minutes before carving. Serve with lots of gravy and an extra dollop of English mustard!



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