10min Beetroot & Feta Pasta.

This is a super quick and delicious recipe from my ‘10min Pasta’ series. The idea of this series is to share pasta recipes that can be whipped up in the time it takes to cook some dried pasta!

What I love about this recipe, aside from it being utterly delicious and super quick, is that it’s made from fairly long-life items so you can keep them in the fridge/cupboard for a rainy day. Super easy to rustle up when you’re feeling uninspired and can’t be bothered to go to the shop!

Recipe serves 2.


200g short pasta, e.g. penne, rigatoni, fusilli etc


2-3 beets, the pre-cooked, non-pickled, vacuum-packed kind!

A small handful of nuts, around 40g - pistachios or cashews work especially well

1 small garlic clove, or half a big one

100g feta cheese, plus a little extra to garnish

A small handful of fresh basil leaves, plus a few extra leaves to garnish


Food processor/mini chopper

(You could use a blender but you will need to add more water to get things moving as blenders are designed for liquids)



  1. Bring a pan of generously salted water to the boil and add the pasta. The water should be as salty as the sea! Check the pasta packet for cooking times as they do vary.

  2. Add the beetroots, nuts, feta, garlic & basil to the food processor, along with a couple of tablespoons of the salty pasta cooking water

  3. Blend until nearly smooth. Personally I like a bit of texture here so the result is more akin to a pesto, but you can go as smooth as you like. Also check for seasoning and add a little more salt if needed.

  4. Once the pasta is cooked, drain it and add it back to the pan with the sauce, stirring to combine thoroughly.

  5. Divide into bowls and top with a little more feta and a few basil leaves. Enjoy!


Mediterranean Orzo with Hazelnut Pesto Greens (V)


10min Penne all'Arrabbiata (VG)